We are all guilty of misdemeanours from time to time. Some of us yell or throw tantrums. Some of us shut down or run away from our responsibilities. some of us take more than we are owed. absolutely without judgement, I say that we all have different ways of coping with what life throws at us, but in the main we reflect, we course-correct and we move on, striving to be a better person today than we were yesterday. THIS IS NORMAL. THESE ARE THINGS TODAY THAT WE WOULD NEVER DO AGAIN, THAT WE DID IN OUR TEENS AND 20’S; WE HAVE A DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE AND MINDSET NOW. THIS IS WHAT COMES OF LIVING IN A ‘CONSCIOUSNESS-EVOLVING’ ENVIRONMENT. AND WE DO EVOLVE. AND WE ARE BETTER PEOPLE FOR IT.
But for some, the idea that we ‘evolve’ is laughable and irrelevant. For these people, the concept of self-reflection is foreign, ‘course-correction’ is only entertained if it benefits themselves, and their sense of entitlement drives their belief that they own everything in their midst, including the capacity to use and manipulate other people. The rise of narcissism, and its lack of empathy, have been glorified and rewarded in our society, particularly in business, and in some quarters the lack of empathy, in particular, has become a mainstay for our times.
I would also argue that these two very different perspectives encapsulate the driving polarisation in the world right now.
“Narcissism and empathy are the two very
different perspectives encapsulating the driving polarisation in the world right now.”
But what is the benefit in knowing about these two ways of seeing the world? In understanding empaths and empathy, yes, we can see the benefit in knowing more about that because that can help us to be more compassionate and inclusive and open. But what benefit is there in seeing how a narcissist thinks or acts? Surely if we avoid these people, isn’t that enough to protect ourselves against any perceived threat?
Attempting to avoid people with narcissistic traits is not enough to protect ourselves from the energy that is attached to them, which is the very energy that incites and inclines narcissists to behave in insidious ways. But this energy does not belong to these people per se, it is foreign, and not just to them, but it is also foreign to humanity in general.
So what is this foreign energy that incites and inclines insidious behaviour?
What is Dark Side?
I’ve talked in previous blogs about ‘Dark Side’ and how it corrupts and manipulates and divides people. I’ve said that Dark Side has a consciousness of its own and that one of its main operating methods is possession illness and that it utilises this method ubiquitously. I’ve described how Dark Side is the main instigator of all insidious trauma on this planet, through the power of suggestion and possession illness. I will also add that Dark Side energy hides in the shadows and does not want to be seen by that which is not its own, because for it to be seen is it identified and therefore unmasked, which would cause its ruin.
In the west, there is little to nothing known about this energy, but in indigenous cultures and in shamanism historically, these energies were and are well known.
Dark Side is a large collection of possessing spirits whose intention and method is to destroy and demean the sacred, whether it be the preciousness of life, or the forging of creation and the protection of all ‘growing things’.
As humans, we are all subject to Dark Side’s influence and we must all be wary of the voices in our head that say things that are ‘not in our nature’. Possession illness is Dark Side’s friend, largely because in the west we think that possession illness isn’t real. It is very real. We think that the voice is “just our mind talking” and to some extent that is true. But when we hear words, suggestions, negative self-talk, ideas, that are opposite to our nature, this is when it may not be the mind talking. But it is not the hearing of the voices that is the issue (for we all hear them), it is instead when we take up the suggestions made to us, and make them our own, that we risk merging with this energy and losing who we truly are, both individually and as a race.
“In the relentless clamour for individualistic achievement, we have lessened
our reliance upon empathy and turned to narcissistic traits to gain advantage over others. And
Dark Side loves narcissism; they work hand in glove.”
Why is that relevant to us today? Because in the relentless clamour for individualistic achievement, we have lessened our reliance upon empathy and turned to narcissistic traits to gain advantage over others. And Dark Side loves narcissism; they work hand in glove. In fact, narcissism was originally born of Dark Side and they are the opposite of heart-centred growth, evolution, connection and community. Dark Side is that hidden force that triumphs when evil succeeds and has sought to spread division and fear among humanity, resulting in trauma on a global scale. They ultimately are also the demise of our species, should we allow that, and we are being called upon to face down both narcissism and Dark Side at every turn in order that our species can finally eradicate both from our midst.
So, if we are to know Dark Side by knowing narcissism, what are narcissistic versus empathic traits?
What Are Narcissistic v Empathic Traits?
An example of someone with a lack of empathy is Jeff Bezos, Amazon.com founder, currently worth just under US$240 billion, and who is one of the wealthiest people in the world. Bezos has infamously, and repeatedly, said that he wants his workforce to “wake up terrified every morning”, and stay terrified all day, so that they would “be more productive”, so that shareholders in the company would benefit financially.
The lenses of narcissism and empathy are two starkly different ways of looking at life. While both perspectives are flourishing in the world today, they stand at opposite ends of a spectrum, barely able to comprehend the other’s view.
“The lenses of narcissism and empathy are two starkly different ways of looking at life.”
On the one hand, the narcissist sees the empath as vulnerable and weak, to be ridiculed and scorned. Narcissists find themselves ‘unburdened by guilt’ or self-reflection and see their entitlement and capacity to manipulate as an ‘advantage’ over their ‘opponent’.
In contrast, the empath cannot even fathom the mindset of the narcissist, believing that there must be ‘something wrong’ with that person, or that the empath’s facts must be wrong, because ‘nobody could possibly be that callous’.
In some ways, the two mindsets operate on entirely different wavelengths and represent darkness and Light in that they are almost as morally far apart from each other as it is possible to be.
So, if we can identify narcissism, what are the benefits of doing so?
Why Study Narcissism?
Crucially, identifying this darkness gives us a freedom that we could not otherwise have. No-one is free from intrusion by this dark energy; it presents itself to all of us. Some of us, those who are more inclined to agree with its less evolved mindset and those with a ‘weak mind’, will entertain its proposals more readily. And some of us won’t. Those of us who are appalled at the suggestions made to us by Dark Side possessing spirits sometimes might cower in shame at the thoughts that we, wrongly, think are our own thoughts. The psychological term ‘intrusive, unwanted thoughts’ describes exactly this scenario.
‘‘Narcissism’ is for the most part the culturally acceptable face of Dark Side, and once we can identify the darkness in that mindset, we can never thereafter ‘un-see’ it.”
There is enormous merit to be had from seeing deep into the mindset of a narcissist, or someone for whom empathy is considered a ‘weakness’. This is because ‘narcissism’ is for the most part the culturally acceptable face of Dark Side, and once we can identify the darkness in that mindset, we can never thereafter ‘un-see’ it. We will forevermore see that sinister darkness wherever it exists and we can never again mistake it for something else more benign.
But the most essential reason for being able to identify the darkness in narcissism or another person is not merely so that we can see it. It is so that we are protected from it and identifying it is the first step.
Dark Side Operating in Our Midst: Protecting Ourselves
I’ve said in previous blogs that this darkness is not human and that it is the source of all of our inhumanity toward each other. An enormous claim, yes, but we are not inhumane by nature. And the best way to protect ourselves against Dark Side is to strip it of its power over us. To do this, we must not fear Dark Side. To not fear Dark Side, we must simply see it for what it is and to dis-identify ourselves from whatever that energy is.
Seeing this moral darkness, especially when it arises in our own thoughts, as ‘other’ and ‘not our nature’, frees us from its grip. Why? Because it is our own fear (and shame) that keeps these thoughts bound to us (and keeps us mired with Dark Side itself). When we fear that these are our own thoughts and that that might perhaps disincline us from “admitting” them to another person, we find ourselves in a mental loop of hearing the thoughts, not wanting to hear the thoughts, thinking that the thoughts must be our own thoughts because they are happening inside our own head, and if they are our thoughts, then we must be depraved persons for having these thoughts in the first place, and so on and so forth.
“To not fear Dark Side, we must simply see it for what it is and to dis-identify ourselves from whatever that energy is.”
We can end this torturous cycle easily by asking ourselves some basic questions and ending our association with these thoughts. First, ask yourself, “are these thoughts in keeping with my true nature?”
If we answer yes, then ask, is there a wound there? Is there unfinished business there? Ask yourself if you can help to resolve whatever is left to resolve so that you can move on from it? If so, then do that work and release the need to process your emotions mentally.
If we ask if these thoughts are in keeping with my true nature and the answer is ‘no’, simply stand back from those thoughts and say to them: “I see you”. Addressing the source of the thoughts (by addressing the thoughts) directly has the benefit of that source losing its power over us. Not only are we no longer hoodwinked by its methods, we crucially see ourselves for who we are and who we are not, quite separate from the darkness within the callous mind. I call this “dis-identifying” from Dark Side. When we do this, we are truly free of its influence and we can tell it to “get out” of our head. I would recommend that you do this work with a professional, in sacred space with the help of Helping Spirits, but to do it releases us from cycles of torment with it and allows us to be ourselves again.
Being Free of Dark Side
This darkness not only has no empathy, it has no morals. This energy is at the heart of malevolence, the force on our planet that is not human and that has caused havoc here for a thousand years.
This malevolent dark energy, that is a boundary-blurring, blame-projecting menace, is at the heart of all intentional trauma on this planet. And once we treat it with ‘pristine’ boundaries (where we stand fully in our power and see it as ‘other’), we are no longer manipulated by it through our weaknesses, and we are free of its power and control.
Once enough of humanity reaches this awareness, ‘evil’ must recede and our planet will have turned a corner in its consciousness, returning home back to the Light.
In the next series of blogs, ‘What is Dark Side?’, we will do a deep dive into the origin, nature and assembly of Dark Side beings and, crucially, how staying out of judgement (and fear) for Dark Side keeps us free of Dark Side entirely.
Blessings on you all and blessings on the work.