In the first blog of this series, ‘How To Rid the World of Evil’, we saw that ‘evil’, narcissism And ‘Dark side’ are different degrees of the same energy, but Narcissism is less ‘scary’ than the others to consider, so we have equated the three to make this topic easier to digest.
In the second blog of the ‘How to Rid the World of Evil’ series, we outlined the three defining characteristics of this evil (or Dark Side, or narcissism) that has divided the world into two camps. The three defining traits of this dividing evil/’Dark Side’ are; the need to control, total disregard/denial of another person’s free will/personal rights (including their agency, autonomy and authority over their own lives), and the absolute absence of empathy or heart-centred compassion. The two camps that the world has fallen into, centre around two polarised worldview standpoints. The first camp is selfish and ‘me’ oriented and the second camp is without ego and is ‘we’ oriented. There are three main ‘milestones’ in human consciousness development (I call them ‘Milestones of Human Evolutionary Consciousness’), and of these three, the second Milestone asks if I can “surrender ‘my’ ego”? The difference between the two polarised camps in the world right now is, effectively, the difference between, on the one hand, those who have have yet to pass and, on the other hand, those who have successfully passed the second of the three Milestones. (See here for a blog with more info on the three Milestones of Human Evolutionary Consciousness.) Those people who have yet to pass this Milestone are ‘me’ oriented; those who have passed this Milestone are ‘we’ oriented in their evolution/consciousness.
Whether as individuals we have previously passed this second milestone already or not, the whole world, collectively, is now being asked to address this second Milestone at this time. Because we are being asked to address this, en masse, this means that most humans are about mid-way through their evolutionary trajectory that this planet (reality) can offer. (There is much more nourishing and delicious growth/evolution available after we graduate from here!)
We look at narcissism, ‘evil’ and ‘Dark Side’ as similar energies; they are all on the same spectrum. But how do these three energies actually show up in the world? Let’s quickly identify them in turn. The ‘narcissist’ is a person with a mental disorder behaving within a spectrum of behaviours that are named and listed by the American Psychiatric Association in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). These behaviours include grandiosity, seeking excessive admiration, and a lack of empathy. ‘Evil’ can be a person, or a behaviour, with the three defining characteristics of ‘Dark Side’ (need to control, zero empathy, and disregard of another’s free will). ‘Dark Side’ can be both a ‘being’, and a behaviour, with these three defining characteristics. While humans can conduct these Dark Side behaviours, a Dark Side ‘being’ is not human and operates within a whole other realm or dimension, but actively engages with humans (through possession) with the intention of inciting harm against that possessed person or through them against other humans. We will look at the infrastructure and order of how these beings operate in a future blog.
“The harm that selfish/narcissistic ‘me’ consciousness can do can be devastating.”
So, we understand that the harm that this evil/narcissistic/Dark Side (‘me’) consciousness can do can be devastating. So, what happens when we say ‘no’ to this energy? What can we expect? Remember, being forewarned is forearmed, so knowing about these energies and knowing what to expect is half the work in protecting ourselves from harm and in helping to rid this ‘norm’ from our society.
What Narcissists Say When You Say ‘Stop’
Harm-doers (narcissists, evil, Dark Side, whatever you wish to call this energy) do not want to be held to account. They like doing what they do and they want full control to continue doing it. They have zero empathy, so they do not reflect on what they have done or the human impact and suffering that they have created. There is a very sinister, ice-cold ruthlessness to this energy that empaths find extraordinary and very, very difficult to believe even exists. But, exist it does and having hidden in the shadows while it exerted its influence and grown in power, it has now, once again, come to the political fore on the world stage. The last time we saw this energy in full flight was during the Second World War and it was the energy that fuelled and fired the Third Reich.
So, what happens when we say ‘Stop’ to this energy? What happens when we call Dark Side to account? Three stock responses emerge. These are:
Denial is the outright lie that what they have done did not occur. Minimisation is the lie that what happened wasn’t as bad as everyone thinks it was. Victim-blaming is the switching of the blame for the atrocity onto the person who was the victim of the attack.
“There is a very sinister, ice-cold ruthlessness to this energy that empaths find extraordinary and very, very difficult to believe even exists.”
Psychologist Jennifer Freyd coined the phrase ‘DARVO’ to describe this phenomena. This is an acronym for the common manipulation strategy in the context of emotional abuse where the abuser denies that the abuse ever occurred, attacks the victim for trying to hold the abuser responsible, and claims that he or she is actually the victim in the situation, thereby reversing the reality of the roles. This means that the offender not only “plays the victim”, but also blames the victim for the attack. DARVO stands for ‘Deny, Attack, Reverse (roles of) Victim (and) Offender’.
There are reasons for this pattern in the mind of the narcissist, largely because they do not want to reflect upon, nor do they care about, the harm that they have created. Theirs is a type of callousness about the outright wrong they have done. They, simply, do not care. In order to lie without flinching, to believe their own lies even, they forge ‘compartments’ in their minds.. areas where truths about what they have done are shut off from their consciousness so that they are never troubled by them. I call this a ‘compartmentalising’ of the mind, and I have seen it in every Dark Side-driven person I have ever read.
Once we know what to expect from those being held to account, we can apply this ‘DARVO’ formula to every narcissistic/evil/Dark Side person and dynamic that we see in the world today and predict what their behaviour will be.
There is one other element not included in the ‘DARVO’ naming of behaviours, and that is ‘projection’. Not only will the narcissist attack and play the victim as a defence to being accused of something, but they will also accuse another of something quite out of the blue. There will be no evidence of this action on the part of the accused, and with research, it can usually be discovered that the accused was actually perfectly innocent of the accusation. So, where does this accusation actually come from? Is it simply a fabrication from the mind of the narcissist? The answer usually is ‘no’. Usually, the action that the narcissist has accused another person of doing was, in fact, done by the narcissist themselves and they have simply ‘projected’ blame for this action onto that other person. The narcissist is not a victim in this dynamic; they are simply attempting to ‘smear’ the other person with the accusation of the wrong of which the narcissist is actually guilty.
Narcissism in the World Today
We are witnessing the playing out of this evil on the world stage with narcissistic world-leaders “flexing” their power over others, other nations, and even their own populations. This ‘power-flexing’ is sheer narcissism, disguised as nationalism or “leadership”, and is aimed at personal gratification only. There are other factors at play in international geopolitics on the world stage currently, but narcissism is without exception having the most far-reaching impact.
The utter disregard for other people’s well-being, as these narcissistic traits impact the lives of millions and millions of people is breathtaking. The lives (and deaths) of those millions of people is only of consequence to those responsible when the optics decry what those leaders are doing and the story cannot be ‘spun’ to the ‘glory’ of the narcissist supporting, or leading, the foray.
“The utter disregard for other people’s well-being, as these narcissistic traits play out over the lives of millions and millions of people is breathtaking.”
The great harm that has been inflicted upon the Palestinians, for instance, will impact that people for generations in terms of grief, physical and psychological trauma, displacement and the massacre of around 62,000 people (this figure is expected to rise when the rubble is cleared). Under International Humanitarian Law, the principle of ‘Proportionality’ is key, restricting any country’s right to ‘extensively’ cause civilian harm or severely damage civilian infrastructure.
Many Western leaders have enabled this atrocity. The efforts by some to stop the Israeli government carrying out their actions against the Palestinian people came, in part, in the form of the South African government taking a case to the International Court of Justice, accusing the Israeli government of ‘genocide’ during its ongoing offensive in the Gaza Strip. Ireland recently joined Nicaragua, Colombia, Mexico, Libya, Bolivia, Turkey, the Maldives, Chile, Spain, and the State of Palestine in asking to intervene in the case.
Israel has vehemently denied that it is engaged in genocide and continues to fight South Africa in court. Israel has attacked Ireland and South Africa and accused both of anti-semitism. The United Nations, the International Court of Justice and human rights groups have said that Israel has gone beyond self-defence into ‘collective punishment’ of civilians, but Israel has claimed that it is the victim in this offensive.
Dark Side Doesn’t Care About Politics
The US financial and political support of Israel in their war has been historically in keeping with the West’s support of Israel, which came about after the Allies were able to effect the liberation of survivors of the Holocaust in the Second World War.
One of the interesting things about Dark Side energy is that it doesn’t care where it shows up; it just goes with where it can manipulate and deceive and control (which usually means where there is unresolved trauma making that person’s ‘buttons easy to push’, or where there is extreme under-evolution). So, while in the Second World War, the energy that drove the Third Reich was Dark Side, it is this exact same ruthless, compassion-less energy that is driving the narcissistic ruthlessness on the world stage today. Where once it was the Allies who fought against this energy, today it is the West that is financing and supporting the war against the Palestinian people. The side may have changed, but the energy is the same.
“The side may have changed, but the energy is the same.”
Similarly, the geopolitics in Ukraine, Russia, China and a few other states is a playing out of the end of the Cold War, with Russian President Vladimir Putin enacting old wounds of resentment having long been shamed and shunned by the West. And, yet, he and US President Donald Trump are now singing from the same hymn sheet. Dark Side doesn’t care about politics.
Dark Side Cares About ‘Ruin’
This energy that divides is not political; it does not care which ‘side’ you are on. This energy that divides is evolutionary; it cares how evolved or otherwise that you are, or can be. It cares about how far into ruin you can be driven, and it will try its best to drive you as far as it can. It cares about how much destruction and chaos it can create. This energy “relishes the desecration of the sacred” and is utterly, utterly ruthless.
Once we know that Dark Side only cares about itself and about causing destruction in the world, we can expect it to behave in these predictable ways, and it will. Narcissism and Dark Side are close bedfellows and both follow the same formulaic patterns.
For the humans who are following these patterns, some are psychopathic, but most of them are doing it unconsciously because of their unprocessed trauma. This cannot be overemphasised. I do not for a moment believe that the Israeli Defence Forces are a ‘lost’ group of people, but I do believe that the harm of the Holocaust has never truly been healed and that unprocessed trauma will reenact itself in similar dynamics until it is totally resolved.
For the Dark Side possessing spirits urging this behaviour in the bodies of humans in the form of suggestive thoughts and manipulating their individual and collective wounds, ego and weak mind, these beings are programmed, much in the same way that AI can be programmed. We will look at this more in the next blog.
Blessings on you all.