As we navigate these shifting times, we are seeing the old narratives and structures that held power-over in place for centuries falling away. What was once disguised as democracy in some countries has been exposed as cover for establishment corruption. The power imbalance between the privileged and the disenfranchised is still being revealed. Wherever there was a concentration of power in any system of governance or control, often there has been systemic injustice against those who were not on the ‘inside’ of that power. These dynamics will continue to ‘come to light’. The hierarchies that kept those systems in place have been collapsing and will continue to do so.
The word ‘apocalypse’ comes from the Greek, meaning ‘to reveal’. This is the era of the ‘Great Reveal’ or of ‘Revelations’; things that could not have been known without these revelations will be revealed at this time. This is happening now.
The structures that are currently replacing the structures as they fall, are temporary. The widespread awakening that sees all people as equal and sees ‘being humane’ as our identity, as what makes us human, has long been happening. We are living through a sacred change on the planet at this time, the dawning of a realisation, a new consciousness, that requires our contribution to help it to come to full term and to be born.
After this, comes the ‘new heaven and a new earth’, meaning the new consciousness , or divine awakening (heaven) on the planet and the consequent impact that that will have in a practical and physical (earth) sense. Everything divine will be seen, the animus of life itself, the preciousness of the air we breathe and the water we drink. We will be known, we will know ourselves, as divine beings. We will see ourselves and others as not ‘apart’ or ‘separate’, but as all parts of the same whole, the same ecosystem, that we all want to take care of and nurture. There will be liberation from bondage, not just in an incarcerated, physical sense, but in a metaphorical sense too. The ‘veil’ of illusion will be lifted and we will see ourselves and each other as we truly are. We will be free of the wounding, the intergenerational and the archetypal constraints that bound us, and we will evolve.
“The ‘veil’ of illusion will be lifted and we will see ourselves and each other as we truly are. We will be free of the wounding, the intergenerational and the archetypal constraints that bound us, and we will evolve.”
It is a very exciting time to be alive right now and things are moving very quickly. We need to be the change we seek and we are being called at this time to literally embody the consciousness that we know deep in our souls to be true. What consciousness do you know in your soul to be true? Who are you at a soul level? The soul is the multi-life identity consciousness, the higher knowing of who we really are. Not only do we get to embody that consciousness on earth at this time, but it is specifically being asked of us. We are the mid-wives of the new consciousness. In order to birth it into being, we must embody it and emanate it into our lives and into that of the collective.
So, how do we do that exactly? And what is a Light Quotient?
If we choose to align with a soul consciousness that elevates, rather than relegates, this means that you choose to increase your radiance, or your Light Quotient. Everyone has a Light Quotient (LQ) and it is measured in your level of consciousness, or in your alignment with Source. The higher your LQ, the more radiant and aware you feel, and the cleaner and clearer your energy body becomes. The lower your LQ, the more dense and primal your instincts and behaviour becomes. We get to choose what we want to be, what LQ we will have, based on what we love. If we love behaviours that bring a low LQ (primal), we are allowed to do that. If we love behaviours that raise our LQ (more evolved), we are allowed and enabled to do that much more profoundly now. We are being asked to increase our LQ to our true levels and to bring that into the world at this time.
“We are the mid-wives of the new consciousness. In order to birth it into being, we must embody it and emanate it into our lives and into that of the collective.”
Before we can raise our LQ to their true levels, we need to clear out blocks and intrusions that don’t serve us (or the planet). Having endured nearly a thousand years of low frequency consciousness and ‘power-over’, in the ‘Patriarchal Epoch’, we are all impacted by that to some degree. Principal among those influences was the denigration of the feminine in every man, woman and child. The gender wars were played out in the outside world of unequal systems and historically augmenting for civil rights, but much more insidiously they were enmeshed in every human in their core identities.
We are not one gender only. We are many. Each person has identities across the gender spectrum and if we have our spectrum of masculine and feminine aspects in relative good health, then I call that having a ‘masculine-feminine balance’. If you have done your personal work, then your masculine-feminine balance should be relatively intact.
The attributes of the masculine are left brain, logic, deduction, endurance, physical strength, provision, outer empowerment, external public sphere, following. The attributes of the feminine are right brain, intuitive, healing, creative, spirit strength, nurturance, inner empowerment, intimate private sphere, leading. When one is more pronounced than the other there is an imbalance.
In the indigenous epoch, the feminine was revered and known for its access to the eternal, the universal consciousness that comes with having given ‘birth to the world’ and to each other. The uterus is the most sacred of all human organs because it creates life. When a group of women live proximate to each other, they will all menstruate on the same day each month; their uteruses become aligned with one another and there is a ‘knowing’ in the unsaid between them. This is true, too, sometimes of women who do not live proximate to each other; there is a knowing in the unsaid when women come together. This ‘knowing’ has access to the Divine and it is what gives us the intuitive ability not just to read the maps, but to understand the purpose of the journey. There was inclusivity and equality, all were seen as belonging in their own ways; an ecosystem of many. The masculine, in this epoch, was the hunter-gatherer and the strength upon which the tribe could be carried to move around. The feminine knew what and how and the masculine was able to execute the plan. When the feminine is over-bearing, the imbalance registers as too ‘flighty’ or ungrounded.
In the patriarchal epoch, the masculine was revered and known for its physical strength, logic, the Age of Reason, invention, law, engineering, mathematics, the agriculture age, the iron age, the industrial age, etc. But when the denigration of the feminine became prominent, the masculine-feminine became imbalanced and the masculine was over-bearing and became ’might makes right’, 'power-over’ and compartmentalised. There was the separation of ourselves from each other.
This separation is what harmed us, ultimately, and it is a key part of our healing needed at this time, to bring both the masculine and feminine in us and each other back into ‘right relationship’ with each other.
“But when the denigration of the feminine became prominent, the masculine-feminine became imbalanced and the masculine was over-bearing and became ’might makes right’, 'power-over’ and compartmentalised. There was the separation of ourselves from each other.”
Our work is to bring the masculine and the feminine into balance, within each one of us as individual beings. The imbalanced masculine on the planet at this time does not think inclusively of the ‘other’ and trades in bragging without wisdom. The imbalanced feminine on the planet at this time thinks of the masculine with derision for its ‘ignorance’ and trades in elements of high-pitched hysteria without grounding. The work is to bring both aspects of ourselves into conversation with each other, to introduce them to each other, and to negotiate a peace treaty.
The masculine feels emasculated, having lost its position of power-over and its role in life as ‘leader’, because the feminine has begun to reclaim its role as wisdom-keeper (denied to the feminine in the patriarch epoch). The feminine is aggrieved that during the patriarch epoch, that which is most sacred to it (creating and nurturing life) was reduced to body parts to be vilified and humiliated through the Female Pain Body (rape, child abuse, etc.) and desecrated through pornography and the media generally.
The healing will come when the masculine and the feminine (in each individual person) come back into right relationship with each other again. This is done by both affording the right position of strength to the other. The feminine strength is wisdom-keeper, as per her intuitive knowing, who knows not only the way of the journey through life but also its purpose, and gives guidance to the masculine. The masculine strength is as provider, the holder of space, the carrier for those who cannot, the physical ‘hero’, as well as logic, critical reasoning and endurance, and it supports the feminine. It is only when the right brain leads and the left brain follows that we will create an equal world and the new consciousness that is coming.
Once we come into right relationship within our own person and have our masculine and feminine in balance, will we admire the strength of the masculine and admire the wisdom of the feminine. Once we achieve that within ourselves, we begin to see it elsewhere in the world and to expect it. This helps us to birth this balance in the world.
“Once we come into right relationship within our own person and have our masculine and feminine in balance, will we admire the strength of the masculine and admire the wisdom of the feminine. Once we achieve that within ourselves, we begin to see it elsewhere in the world and to expect it.”
The issues will become more intense as we go through these changing times. The demands made of us will change as there will be resistance and a need for us to do our work and ‘power up’ in a good way. Therefore, in the Fall of 2025, I invite those of you who feel called to come together to an in-person Retreat in the South of France, where we can bring the wisdom of the ancients, the Mother-Father Goddess, our multi-lifetime consciousness, to bear, to be the empowerment standard for these huge shifts, that we might help the earth and those struggling with the birth of this new consciousness. Please let me know if you would like to be added to the list for more information if you are interested.