In the first blog of this series, ‘How To Rid the World of Evil’, we saw that ‘evil’ and narcissism are different degrees of the same energy, but one is less ‘scary’ than the other to address, so we have equated the two to make this topic less ‘distasteful’. But look at it we must, if we are to see it clearly and to protect ourselves from it. It is also the most important issue of our age and we must address it at a collective level and the systemic harm that it has done to our society.

In this blog, we will look at who operates this energy and what they hope to gain from their pursuits. And ultimately, we will look at how we can make ourselves immune from the harm of evil (narcissism) in our midst.

Evil (Narcissism) vs Evolution

Evil (Narcissism) is the method through which Dark Side seeks power and ‘control-over’ the rest of us. But what is Dark Side, how do we identify it and what do we do once we see it?

Dark Side is the umbrella term for both the methods and the beings who love ‘evil’ (narcissism). If we see ‘healthy narcissism’ as the under-evolved consciousness of ‘me’ over ‘we’, that serves children in their development of a ‘sense of self’, and the under-evolved zygote, seed or thought before it is ‘born’ into the light of day, then ‘unhealthy narcissism’ is the opposite of that evolution.

‘Evil’ is the opposite of growth and the opposite of an admiration for ‘growing things’. ‘Evil’ is a devotion to entropy, decay and demoralisation. More specifically, Dark Side (‘evil’) is defined as that which “relishes the desecration of the sacred”. And the radically under-evolved and the more-evolved are the two strains of consciousness that are now rising to the fore in humanity today, causing separation and polarity around the world.

The New York Times this week had a thoughtful article about a conservative evangelical pastor who was decidedly anti-gay, until his son came out. The pastor was a confirmed diarist and so had a record of his journey from ‘hating’ homosexuality “more than anything else in the world” to being an advocate for LGBTQ inclusion in his church. For the pastor, the journey from ‘hating’ to ‘inclusion’ took years of personal work and effort, and this is the process of evolution. The bravery of everyone involved in the story is evident, not least the people who have worked hard within the gay community to bring the movement as far as it has come, to enable ‘coming out’ to be less terrifying than it had been in the past. As a heteronormative society, we should be very grateful to those people for helping us and others to embrace the evolution required to have a heart-centred inclusive approach, as the pastor was able to do out of love for his son.

“‘Evil’ is the opposite of growth and the opposite of an admiration for ‘growing things’. ‘Evil’ is a devotion to entropy, decay and demoralisation.”

So, our options are that either we engage in the evolution process wilfully and/or allow it to occur, or we actively resist it. We all have a choice. For most of us, to actively fight heart-centred inclusion of all varieties of humans (which is evolution) seems absurd and unconscionable. Not to do so would mean unbearable suffering for those denigrated and ‘disowned’ or abused. “How could anyone be so callous?”, the empath asks.

However, it is important to note that not everyone on the planet at this time is here to ‘awaken’ or to evolve. There is a sizeable collection of beings who are committed to the support of entropy and destruction. And the more we know about this type of mindset, the more we can identify it and the more cannot hide in plain sight and when it’s present. And to see it is to be warned against it.

Empaths are the most trusting, noble, kindly, if initially innocent people on the planet. And it is to these people that narcissists (those inclined to entropy and evil) are drawn, because those people who have a big heart, seeking to bring the ‘world together’ without a thought for their own vulnerability, are the type of people that the ‘evil’/narcissistic types see as “easy pickings”.

“Unless we can see it, we cannot defend against it. ”

And the evolutionary journey out of innocence for the empath, subjected to narcissistic abuse by a beloved partner, often for years, where their own sense of self-worth has been drained dry and gaslit and coercively controlled, is one of the most heart-wrenching journeys to witness. Not only can another person be unfathomably coldly callous, but they can actively seek delight in your suffering. For that to dawn on the consciousness of an empath, an almost childlike-trusting person, is a painfully cruel evolutionary road. And that is the road that many of us are finding ourselves waking up to on a vast scale, not just in personal relationships, but at a macro, systemic field level.

The inhuman systems that we live under were designed by this narcissistic, entitled mindset, and humanity is being asked to wake up to this field-level reality en masse, now. This year in particular will be extremely difficult time for those who have not yet begun this work. Unless we can see it, we cannot defend against it. So, how do we see it? What are the defining characteristics that we need to know about?

The Three Defining Characteristics of Dark Side (‘Evil’ Narcissists)

There are three defining characteristics of those who love evil, and, helpfully, they are so shocking that once you see them you cannot ‘un-see’ them, and the ‘Dark Side’ identity of the person/s embodying those traits becomes blatantly clear.

The three defining characteristics are these:

  • The need for the narcissist/evil person to retain control over any person or situation with which they are involved.

  • The absolute disregard for, and denial of, the existence of another person’s right to their own free will (including their own agency, autonomy and authority over their own lives).

  • The absolute absence of empathy or heart-centred compassion.

“Once we see these traits in individuals, it is much easier to see how this mindset has intentionally designed many of the systems that control our world, rendering many of us powerless in voicing an opposition.”

If all three of these traits are present, you can be almost sure that you are dealing with someone for whom evolution and the care and protection for others is either non-existent or is being actively fought against. Not only are these poor life choices for any rational person to make, they are also glaring identifiers for those beings who actively are devoted to Dark Side, meaning that they are dangerous persons to be around, and to be avoided.

Once we see these traits in individuals, it is much easier to see how this mindset has intentionally designed many of the systems that control our world, rendering many of us powerless in voicing an opposition. It is these systems that must change at this time. More on this macro level of narcissistic (entitled) control in an upcoming blog in this series.

The Main Methods Employed by Those Who Hate Empathy/Evolution

People who choose Dark Side methods are not just disinterested in anything that you have to say or might choose for yourself; they are also actively interested in breaking down your/another’s sense of self and/or boundaries. This means that our sense of agency, autonomy and authority over ourselves is either diminished (as with adult abuse) or has been manipulated having not yet been fully developed (as in the case of a child).

Aside from control, entropy and lack of empathy (used by Dark Side and humans alike), the two other main methods used by Dark Side spirits to gain control are possession illness and, through possession illness, procrastination.

“Possession illness can cause significant issues, such as the following of behaviours that are not in the true nature of the person who is possessed, and the influencing of that person’s mind.”

Possession illness, we discussed in some depth in the previous blog, “The Origin of Trauma, Part Two: What is Possession Illness?”, means the taking over in part or in full of another’s consciousness by a foreign spirit inhabiting the body of a human. Possession illness can cause significant issues, such as the following of behaviours that are not in the true nature of the person who is possessed, and the influencing of that person’s mind.

Procrastination is the inclination to ‘put off to another time’ the ideals or tasks that matter to us and our goals in life. When we find ourselves ‘out of step’ with the ideals and goals that we know are in our ‘true nature’, that is a good opportunity to self-reflect on what exactly is causing this aberration and if we are willing to sacrifice what we hold dear in place of what is happening in our day to day life.

Why Does Narcissism/Evil Hate Evolution?

If we evolve, we get stronger in ourselves, but also in our relationships. This is crucial to our well-being as individuals, but also to the well-being of our communities and to ourselves as a species. Not only does it assist in our fulfilment of our ‘Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs’, but it also puts us in charge of our spiritual superpower; our conscious connection with and integration of our Higher Self.

If we degrade evolutionarily, we can lose our sense of connection and community with each other, which crucially impacts not only our sense of self-worth but can also erode our sense of purpose and meaning for living, eroding our connection with the sacredness of life itself. This cannot be overstated. What this translates to is that, yes, we need a primary sense of self that we develop in childhood as ‘healthy narcissists’, but, after having found our ‘healthy sense of self identity’, if we do not have each other, life can lose its meaning and that can lead to a degradation of our morality. We are capable of surviving as loners, but we thrive in community. Lack of belonging, acceptance and inclusion can lead to not just loneliness, depression and a sense of ‘otherness’ but can also precede denigrating self-talk, a withering morale, social defiance and deviance.

Evolution provides for a healing of all of the developmental steps for humans, with the ultimate goal being the drive to find identity in our highest evolved selves.

“Evolution provides for a healing of all of the developmental steps for humans, with the ultimate goal being the drive to find identity in our highest evolved selves.”

For now, we can be sure that the forces that are the opposite of evolution want nothing but destruction and decay for us as individuals and us as a species, so that they might have ‘control-over’. This ‘control-over’ mindset seems attractive only to the under-evolved. Once we move from ‘me-consciousness’ to ‘we-consciousness’, the idea of wanting to control another person through coercive control or violation seems so inhuman as to be unthinkable. Hence why, as discussed earlier, empaths cannot usually even imagine anyone, such as a Dark Side narcissist, being so cruel. “Surely nobody could be that callous?”, they ask, finding it hard to fathom the unthinkable.

When we care about more than just ‘me’ and care about ‘we’, meaning, we care about our neighbour, our community and our planet, this means that we act, believe, and care about ourselves collectively and see ourselves as many parts of an interactive whole. This comes about as a result of successfully navigating the second of three milestones of evolution, as discussed in the previous blog, “Evolution and the Human Soul, Part Four — The Second Milestone: “Can I Surrender Ego?”

While the evolution of the human soul happens at an individual level, it also happens at a macro level and this is the test that humanity is going through collectively at this time. This is the level of evolution that we have attained as a species. Knowing this and ruminating on it and allowing ourselves to be open to how we feel about it and what, if anything, we feel called to do about it, is what this next era is all about. We are all being asked what can we do to help?

Learning more about these topics is key to understanding the tasks and knowing if we feel called to help in any way.

Thank you for everything you are doing!