The World Today Part Two
We have seen significant change in the world in recent years, but instead of these changes being scary, we should be reading them as caused by seismic shifts that the world desperately needs.
The hierarchies that supported the systemic injustices in the ‘Patriarchal Epoch’ are being exposed in, what’s been promised historically as, ‘The Great Reveal’. Grassroots movements across a spectrum of issues are demanding real change and challenging bigotry wherever it has caused sufferance.
The three largest archetypal wounds known to our species, the Holocaust, Slavery, and the Female Pain Body, are all needing to be addressed at this time. All unresolved trauma, at the individual and collective levels, must be processed in order to fully move out of the old epoch and into the new.
Things are moving very quickly now and where once recovery was excruciating and slow, it is now smooth and quick. Everything is pushing forward for change and it is up to us to help this new world consciousness to be born.
The Light Quotient on the planet, in the last five years alone, has risen dramatically. It is factually harder for Darkness and Dark Side beings to remain here. The vast majority of Dark Side beings have already returned to the solar system that they came from.
We are the people that we hoped would come and save us, and we can! How? We need to finish our personal work, evolve into our highest, wisest self and deliver that into our lives in a meaningful way. Now is NOT the time for fear. Now is the time to remember our true identity and hold our resonance high and bring our Light into the world.
In Part One of this ‘The World Today’ blog, we discussed many ways to hold our resonance high and bring our Light into the world. In Part Two of this ‘The World Today’ blog, we will look more closely at who and what really ran the Patriarchal Epoch, to give us a much clearer understanding of what it is we need to do to clear out all the impacts of the old epoch, to clear the way for the new consciousness that’s already here, waiting to be born into mainstream awareness.
“We are the people that we hoped would come and save us, and we can!”
Patriarchal Epoch is the Same as Dark Side Epoch
The Patriarchal Epoch could equally be called the ‘Dark Side Epoch’, because the hierarchies and systems that caused so much of the pain in that time were created intentionally by a Dark Side mindset. All hierarchies cause pain. They normalise the debasement of people considered “less than” and they elevate in status those who are prepared to conduct behaviours of “power over”.
However, I’ve named the epoch the Patriarchal Epoch because of the manner in which it came into being. And the starkness in contrast between it and the one immediately preceding it. The epoch before the Patriarchal Epoch was feminine, indigenous and animistic; it saw precious divine life-force in all beings and in all of nature and it held the feminine intuitive and healing arts as sacred. The uterus, belly and breasts were revered as the most sacred in the human body because they were the creator and nurturer of life; these were closest to the divine.
In the Patriarchal Epoch, the feminine was denigrated, rape was used as a weapon and women’s bodies were reduced to body parts. Women had their ownership and power over their natural body form taken from them and they were judged and denigrated if they deviated from a boy-like shape. Child sexual abuse (which also is in the Female Pain Body) became ubiquitous. And the manner in which the Patriarchal Epoch began, saw the Romans come across Europe decimating Druidic communities, and the newly founded Catholic Church burning alive women who were considered to be “heretics”, whether or not they were proven to be versed in the intuitive and healing arts.
“The epoch before the Patriarchal Epoch was feminine, indigenous and animistic; it saw precious divine life-force in all beings and in all of nature and it held the feminine intuitive and healing arts as sacred.”
How Dark Side Operated in the Patriarchal Epoch
We technically left the Patriarchal Epoch in 2010, but the structures and impact of that epoch are still in the process of being exposed and dismantled now. Dark Side prompted the vast majority of inhumane behaviours carried out by humans and suffered by our species and others, through the process known in shamanism as “possession illness”.
People have literally been routinely “possessed” by Dark Side beings, as they carried out the most heinous, gruesome and depraved actions on earth. And where the perpetrators of those heinous crimes were possessed, so too did their victims become possessed by those Dark Side beings. This happened when some of the Dark Side beings within the perpetrators transferred into the victims at the time of the abusive act.
Every client I have ever worked with who was sexually assaulted as a child has had Dark Side beings inside their bodies, causing shame and self-loathing to that survivor. Carrying out the shamanic treatment “Compassionate Depossession”, taught to me by Betsy Bergstrom, removes these beings, so that the survivor is free from those beings instantly and permanently.
“Every client I have ever worked with who was sexually assaulted as a child has had Dark Side beings inside their bodies, causing shame and self-loathing to that survivor.”
How Dark Side Works Today
The relationship humans have had with Dark Side over the millennia has been mixed. Some collaborated with and used Dark Side for their own purposes. Many (especially in the West) didn’t believe Dark Side existed, but many across the world did know and lived in fear of them.
Dark Side most certainly does exist, and the method of possession illness in humans is the main method used by Dark Side to gain control over humans and human systems. Possession illness is entered into by Dark Side in order to control the host through the power of suggestion, using the host’s own voice. We may think that our own mind wouldn’t lie to us, and while that’s not true, the negative self-talk voice in our heads often isn’t even us talking!
Other methods, aside from mind influence, often used by Dark Side are inciting procrastination, delay, addictions and ‘insidious stealth’ (hiding and operating in the shadows). Dark Side hates to be seen. Worse, it hates to be exposed. Dark Side must hide in the shadows, until it feels confident and comfortable enough among enough people who align with it, to come into plain sight.
Think of a man possessed by Dark Side who is a paedophile father abusing at home. His actions against his child are hidden from sight, until she becomes an adult, exposes what he did and, miraculously, despite his denials, minimisation and victim-blaming, she has succeeded in having him sent to jail by the courts. In jail, in the sexual offenders wing, he senses the Dark Side energy around him and it feels familiar (because it is in him too) and he then feels comfortable openly discussing what he did. In Sexual Offender wings in prisons, prisoners are commonly found to have shared with each other the police statements of their victims, for unseemly reasons. Dark Side works within the host to have him/her deny everything until they’re in the company of those who support what that person did, and then encourages their hosts to brag about their exploits.
We will discuss Dark Side in a series devoted to just this, but for now, we will address the world today with the remaining Dark Side in it, and what we can do about it.
“Dark Side must hide in the shadows, until it feels confident and comfortable enough among enough people who align with it, to come into plain sight.”
So What Do We Do?
Dark Side is forbidden, under Universal Spiritual Law, to enter the body of another without permission, and they know this. Because they operate under stealth, they remain undetected by an unsuspecting public who largely don’t believe Dark Side exists. Therefore, Dark Side uses this “you didn’t tell me to get out” excuse as ‘default permission’ to stay within the possessed person’s energy.
So, while merging with the hosts’ mind and behaving ‘as if’ they are the host, anyone who who has Dark Side beings inside their bodies doesn’t necessarily know that those beings are there, or to specifically withdraw the “permissions” used by these beings, that would forfeit their efforts to stay, undetected.
And if it weren’t for the instructions of Helping Spirits of generous indigenous shamans in the 1960’s and 1970’s, to release the teachings about possession illness, healers in the west might not know to this day that possession illness is a real thing and is absolutely something that we need to address. And addressing possession illness is a necessary thing, if we are to be free of Dark Side influence, from the last epoch.
So, how do we address Dark Side, when we are untrained, unaware largely of what Dark Side is, and unclear as to how these influences affect our lives?
Aside from working with a shamanic practitioner to have these beings removed, we can, on our own, clearly and succinctly, in ceremony and in a quarantine that we have asked our Helping Spirits to provide, ask our Helping Spirits to support us in removing ‘default permissions’ by saying these words out loud, to our spirit guides: “I hereby make a Personal Declaration of Independence, where any and all foreign energies not serving me in a good way, now have any and all permissions for them to be in or attached to my energy field withdrawn immediately”. You can repeat this statement three times if you feel that it might “land” deeper in a more ‘felt’ way. Making this Personal Declaration of Independence can be a powerful step in removing those beings who know they are forbidden and you are stating that you now know that they are there and that you are now stating that they do not have permitted access.
In the next blog in this series, we will look at the next layers of how to address the work needed to clear out the impact and influence of the Patriarchal Epoch from our bodies, our systems and our lives.
Blessings on you all and blessings on the work.