Welcome to a whole new way of seeing the greatest source of suffering on our planet and knowing how to deal with it effectively!

Instead of using the term “evil”, to discuss this topic, let’s say “Narcissistic”. ‘Evil’ is a “scary” topic for some, and ‘narcissism’ is ubiquitous these days and most people know what it means. Plus, while both are marginally different in their intermediate causes, they both have the same origin and outcome, so they are on the same bandwidth.

Trauma is caused by this narcissism. And once we are able to see, navigate and side-step this narcissistic energy, we move into a whole new territory of fearlessness enabling us to step into our power in a profound way. This is what is being asked of us at this time in the world.

“We are going to think about evil in a way that removes all fear from the subject,

and empowers us to be oppositional without being confrontational, empowered without

being afraid.”

So, what do we think about when we say “evil” (or narcissistic)? We think about the Holocaust, slavery and the Female Pain Body. We think of sadism, entitlement and wilful harm. We think of all the things we don’t want to think about in our world. And that’s partly the point! It is exactly because these things are so distasteful, that we turn away from them, we don’t want to think about them and instead we think about things that are less stressful. Totally understandable. But because we have not wanted to see them in the past, we usually have not monitored the prevalence of this energy in our world, and it is now a surprise to some to see how widespread this energy has become!

But, lucky for us, today we get to address these great wrongs in our society because narcissism has finally become the number one most exposed form of hate in the west (with the second election of Donald Trump and the rise of the right across Europe). It is true to say that the energy that fuelled the fascism of the Third Reich is the same energy that is fuelling this new brand of fascism across the west. The people are different but the non- human energy fuelling this modern fascist movement is exactly the same energy that ignited and excited Nazi Europe in the Second World War, this energy never went away. In fact, it has quietly fed power systems and ideas throughout the last 1,000 years and has culminated in every ‘power-over’ war, element of destruction and modicum of hate known to our species. Patriarchy is a result of this energy, as is capitalism, fascism, racism, homophobia, transphobia, sectarianism, misogyny, child abuse, murder, satanism and every form of ‘less than’ judgement derived from all human hierarchies. (Curiously, this ‘less than’ judgement is not limited to human hierarchies, and extends to speciesism and all forms of hate that denigrate animism. But that is for another blog.)

So, today, we are going to think about “evil” (or narcissism) in an entirely new way, in a way that removes all fear from the subject, and empowers us to be oppositional without being confrontational, and empowered without being afraid. We are going to look at this energy head on, straight in the eye, and see it for what it really is.

What is “Evil” Really?

“Evil” is a form of selfishness, a mindset of ‘me’, ‘entitlement’ and ‘mine’. This energy is absolutely narcissistic, with the belief that it is superior over others and has a “right” to behave in insidious and inhumane ways. It is inhuman and ‘not human’. We discussed in the last blog how ‘evil’ is not in our wheelhouse, it is not who we are, meaning that humans are not evil by nature. In order for us to behave, or even think, in ‘evil’ ways, we need to be influenced by something “outside” of ourselves, something that is foreign to our human nature.

“ Not all under-evolved beings are evil, but all evil is under- evolved.”

There is no direct translation in Aramaic (the language Jesus spoke) for the word ‘evil’; but the closest word is ‘unripe’. This gives us insight into the nature of evil beings as simply ‘unripe’, or ‘under-evolved’. Not all under-evolved beings are evil, but all evil is under- evolved.

So, while evil is not ‘wrong’ in the sense that it is still evolving, it is “misplaced”. What do I mean by that?

Where Does Evil Rightly Belong?

If evil begins in a ‘dark’ evolutionary place, in the infancy of evolution, then it has a right to belong somewhere. But where?

Everything begins in the dark. The seed begins in the dark soil until it grows a root and a shoot and pushes upwards into the light. The zygote begins in the uterus, growing in the dark into a foetus and, months later, is birthed into the light of day as a baby. The bible claims that ‘in the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God’. If we can translate this ‘word/God’ as consciousness, we can say that in the dark of nothingness, before space and time, we had ‘Knowing’. And then, with the ‘Big Bang’, this ‘Knowing’ was ‘birthed’ in an explosion into form. Even ideas are mulled over ‘in the dark’ until we ‘see the light’ and have our eureka moment.

“Everything begins in the dark.”

So, evolutionarily, if ‘evil’ represents this early stage of growth, the darkness before the light, then nature decrees that it belongs somewhere. It is my belief that it belongs in another part of the universe, or multi-verse, somewhere in another reality perhaps, but that it does not belong on our planet earth. I believe that evil is not in keeping with the levels of consciousness that are normal for human nature. For reasons that I will go into in a future blog, I believe that nature on this planet is benevolent and that humans are benevolent by nature. And that humans belong here on this planet. And that under-evolved ‘dark’ consciousness (or ‘Dark Side’, or ‘evil’) does not belong here.

Narcissists See Empaths as ‘Easy-Pickings’

The reason why Dark Side (the personification of evil) and humans should not coexist or that evil does not belong on this planet is that, crucially, when huge disparities in consciousness collide, that is, when under-evolved and reasonably or highly-evolved consciousnesses come together, great harm happens. In other words, when a huge bandwidth of different levels of evolution (or consciousness) coexist, this creates trauma. The origin of all intentional trauma, ultimately, comes from this ‘mixing’ of different levels of consciousness. (We can argue that trauma helps us to evolve, but there are much less painful ways to grow, and trauma is not the only, or even the most efficient, method to do this.)

“The origin of all intentional trauma, ultimately, comes from this ‘mixing’ of different levels of


For brevity, let’s call these levels of consciousness the ‘narcissist’ (me-consciousness) and the ‘empath’ (we-consciousness).

So, trauma happens when the under-evolved narcissist (me) feels ‘unburdened’ by conscience and feels free to harm the other, more ‘vulnerable’ or ‘weak’ empathic (we) beings, as the narcissist chooses, for his/her own gain. Remember that under-evolved ‘Dark Side’, that is, a narcissistic consciousness, sees more-evolved consciousness as ‘weak’. Dark Side sees the willingness of evolved consciousness (empaths) to help others, and not to seek personal gain, as pathetic and “innocent” and as easy to manipulate. Dark Side sees evolved consciousness as ‘easy pickings’.

How To Protect Ourselves In the Era of the Narcissist?

So, the question is, how do we protect ourselves from those who are under-evolved? The answer is, firstly, in our own personal lives, we see them for who they are and we separate ourselves from them in distinct ways and keep clean boundaries. And, secondly, in society, we expose evil for what it is, for all to see, wherever it is found, whatever our personal preferences, politics or power.

Remember that nothing that has to hide in the dark has any inherent power of its own. True power (which is evolved consciousness) does not need to push against anything else to ‘prove’ itself. It does not need a flashy car, or to dominate another, or any external resource to “prove” that it is powerful. It does not exist in a hierarchy, it exists in a web-like structure within its ecosystem. It emanates its power without ego. On the other hand, under-evolved narcissistic (me) consciousness is driven by ego and a need to push against the ‘other’ to create boundaries between ‘us’ and ‘them’ in order to feel powerful in a ‘power-over’ hierarchical way. The child pushes ‘other’ to feel like a ‘self’; the under- evolved (narcissistic) adult does this to feel ‘more powerful than’ another person (and to feel more ‘alive’).

Why Expose Narcissism?

So, why should we expose narcissistic, entitled (Dark Side) consciousness when we see it?

There is a misconception in the west that all that is needed to ‘heal’ the polarity in humanity right now is more communication, keeping the doors open to ‘the other’. This is not true. It might work to some small degree, but healing the growing rift in humanity isn’t a matter of one side or the other having a chat and coming to see the other side’s view with a more inclusive perspective. In other words, it’s not communication that is lacking. Instead, it’s evolution. And that’s a longer trajectory.

Most people are either a part of society as part of an ecosystem (we-thinking), or they’re part of it for what they can get out of it (me-thinking). This is the polarity. And you can’t fix under-evolved overnight. It takes time, with small steps, and growth. What we are facing now is how systematic and heinous the ‘me’ perspective has been, and how much in denial the ‘we’ perspective was prepared to be (not wanting to imagine the depravity of the narcissistic mindset). Because the empathic mindset in humanity has not wanted to see how heinous the narcissistic mindset has been, the moderate checks and balances one might expect in any modern democracy are lacking. Remember, narcissistic mindsets are drawn to external power symbols and status, and so these mindsets have invested interests in controlling the power systems in society. This has meant that entire systems in society are not as equal as they claim and are instead riddled with narcissistic, power-over bias and injustice. To fully unmask the extent of how much systemic racism, misogyny, even political bias, has tipped the scales in favour of a certain mindset would be shocking to even the most educated of empaths.

“It’s not communication that is lacking. Instead, it’s evolution.”

Therefore, exposing narcissism when we see it at the collective level reveals to everyone the hidden harms in our systems that absolutely need reformation. At the individualistic level, exposing narcissistic mindsets helps to unmask the narcissist and this can lead to helping empaths to be better educated about narcissistic abuse and to helping people to remove themselves from harm.

Sometimes, exposing a narcissist leads to the unmasking of that person, which can lead to ‘narcissistic collapse’. Being far away from the narcissist, if/when this happens, is essential. It is not “our job” to fix the narcissist. Far from it. Nothing we can do can fix this energy; it must evolve on its own, in its own time. Our job is to dis-identify from it and deny it ‘normal’ standing in society.

Change on a Global Scale

Ultimately, what we are going through is an epoch change, and that means everything shifts; systems, processes and consciousness. It’s an exciting time to be alive, because we get to be the change that we want to see in the world. But first we must change where the insidious harm is throughout our society and that comes with first identifying and side-stepping this mindset.

At a personal level, we must see what it is that we are dealing with and keep firm boundaries with it so that its insidious hidden ethos does not ‘seep’ into our normalcy, undetected, and it no longer is able to infect our world view with its depravity. More on this in future blogs.

For now, it is enough to watch for where this narcissistic energy resides and to choose to not engage with it and to name it for others to be aware that it is in our midst.