Recent events around us, personally and in the collective, may incline us to feel despondent and uncertain about the future. However, the changes – while often overwhelming – are actually a harbinger of an exciting new era of consciousness that brings bliss and clarity.
We are truly blessed to be alive on the earth at this time. With this new era unfolding in our lifetimes, amid all the confusion and glare, are resources that enable us to reach that clarity and bliss, now. These resources are globally accessible, in that everyone can access them, and we discuss them at some length, below.
"The changes in the world right now are actually a harbinger of a new era of consciousness that brings bliss and clarity."
We may think of the pathway to bliss and clarity as elusive, as something meant only for those who have maintained their spiritual practice for many years. Not so. Especially in these times, when the concept of time has speeded up as life moves ever faster, the amount of Light consciousness on the planet now is very high and consciousness-lifting tools are now much more widely available. We find that with a little intention, we can achieve very high levels of consciousness and increase our ‘light quotient’ sufficiently to relatively easily attain our 'human default state' of ‘bliss’.
Ultimately, bliss and clarity belong to an evolved consciousness, that is, an awareness that belongs to a higher frequency and perception than we might normally allow for ourselves. It doesn’t mean we can’t get access to it; it simply means that we mightn’t have entertained these ways of seeing before or think they’re ‘beyond us’. Opening our minds to the possibility that new, more clear, ways of seeing are available to us, can result in a transformation of consciousness, the like of which is exactly needed on our planet right now.
"We may think of the pathway to bliss and clarity as elusive, as something meant only for those who have maintained their spiritual practice for many years. Not so."
In earlier blogs we have discussed in depth the importance of clearing energetic congestion out of our bodies, such as increasing our light quotient, clearing our wounds and having mental discipline. These are essential first steps to clearing the baggage that serves as a lens with which we experience the world. Clearing our ‘stuff’ means we don’t see the world through that lens anymore and we don’t project it into our relationships through that consciousness. Having mental discipline means that we are no longer at the mercy of our thinking mind, but instead, we control it and thereby allow a different kind of consciousness to emerge.
In this two-part series on raising consciousness, we will look at the ten components, or steps, generally involved in lifting us out of regular consciousness and into a higher state of awareness; one that brings an ability to see what is really happening around us and brings bliss in it’s wake.
The first part of this ‘how-to’ series will focus on what we need to do to clear away all the hindrances on our path to doing this work. The second part of this series will give a step-by-step guide on how to access that clarity and bliss to get to a higher level of consciousness with which to live your life.
Clearing Away the Noise to Know Yourself Truly
When we begin doing energy work on ourselves, we may find that there is a lot of energetic ‘noise’ in our field. We find our mind congested with thoughts that keep us in low frequency consciousness (low grade thinking), we get triggered by old wounds reactivating over and over in our relationships and we can sometimes find foreign energy taking up residence where it doesn’t belong, all of which serves to cloud our understanding of who we really are.
"A good question to ask, when we’re disentangling all our enmeshed energies is,
‘Is this energy in keeping with my true nature?'"
A good question to ask, when we’re disentangling all the overlapping and enmeshed energies in our systems is, ‘Is this energy in keeping with my true nature?’ Knowing what our ‘true nature’ is can keep us grounded and clear-headed when we’re wading through the soup of different influences in our individual fields. When we see our thinking or behavior as not in keeping with our true nature, we see where we have been influenced by either energy that does not belong to us, such as environmental influences, possessing spirits, intentions driven by another person, etc., or triggered by energy that does belong to us but is unprocessed, such as old wounds (personal, family and archetypal). Those triggers are the signposts to show us where we need to do work to heal ourselves in order to get back to our true nature again.
After we have cleared the main congestion from our individual systems, both unprocessed energy that belongs to us and energy that is foreign, we begin to know our true selves better and then we can look to see ‘how’ we are in the world.
Extreme Ownership
Everybody has ‘stuff’, or emotional baggage. We clear a lot of it using various healing techniques and, underneath, we often find more layers. We know we have finally finished clearing all that baggage when we no longer get ‘triggered’. Until we finally finish doing that work, we can employ what I call ‘extreme ownership’ of our stuff. ‘Extreme ownership' means that we take those baggage-dynamics inside ourselves to be processed internally, and not in relationship with others. In doing this, we come to see ourselves as fully responsible adults who have pristine boundaries and good ethics on how to be in the world. We no longer lament the hand that life has dealt us, instead we simply process it to clear it so we can play the hand we want.
"‘Extreme ownership' means that we remove those old emotionally wounded dynamics to the inside, to be processed internally, and not in relationship with others."
This dramatically reframes how we are in the world. We go from being ‘burdened’ and showing signs of ‘being victimized’, to taking ownership of our own selves and that creates beautiful boundaries that clean up the space around us and that of those whom we love. Extreme ownership of our ‘stuff’ also means we refrain from projecting it and we stop having judgement (enmeshment) in the dynamics of others as they play their 'stuff' out around us. We are no longer engaged at that level so when we see it occurring around us we are untouched by it; we come to see that nothing is personal.
Mental Discipline
At some point, we get out of our own way by getting out of (dis-identifying from) the mind; we stop listening to/identifying with our thoughts. Good mental discipline means we stop navigating from a premise of ‘I think’, which is mind-orientated, to ‘I know’, which is ‘innate awareness-orientated’. To find this innate awareness, we cultivate a ‘wordless awareness’ or a ‘silent observer’ as the consciousness with which to navigate our lives.
"To find the innate awareness, we cultivate a ‘wordless awareness’ or a ‘silent observer’ as the consciousness with which to navigate our lives."
This silent observer is an infinitely more intelligent navigation tool compared to the mind and accesses a much more vast perception and understanding of reality in order to do that navigation. In essence, this innate awareness (which is body-orientated) is divine, whereas the mind is not. Switching allegiance from a reliance on mind-awareness to body-awareness substantially increases our light quotient, heightens our perception and more accurately helps us to see our world. In essence, it helps us to have more clarity. To read more about mental discipline and how crucial it is for wellness, go here to this blog about the subject.
Part Two of this Series
In Part Two of this series, we will look at how combining all the steps so far in Part One can help us to open ourselves up to the next steps, which are to ‘Step into Our Power’, to ‘Be in Flow’, to ‘Have Non-Attachment to Outcome’, and to ‘Move Out of Polarized Awareness’ and, finally, brings us to our power to 'Co-create'.
We will look at how 'Stepping into Our Power' can happen and what inhibits it, what it means to 'Be in Flow' and how that enhances a personal sense of calm and surrender to a higher intelligence than our individual selves, why having a 'Non-attachment to Outcome' is liberating and necessary to getting out of individuated mindset and why stepping into 'Non-polarized Awareness' frees us from suffering and how it helps us to see the true meaning of why things occur. This clarity brings a peace that allows a deep acceptance of all things and a trust in the magnificence and intelligence and benevolence of Creation. This clarity also helps us to see our own power in creating the world around us.
You can access the second post here.
"We can use our true nature, through prayer and powerful intention, to ‘co-create’ with the beauty and intelligence of the universe around us
for a better world."
When we bring our wisest selves to this process of creating our world, we see that instead of old patterning and wounding subconsciously being used to create our reality, we can strip that away and instead use our true identity, our true nature, to create our reality. And beyond that, it means that we can use our true nature, through prayer and powerful intention, to ‘Co-Create’ with the beauty and intelligence of the universe around us, to co-create with divinity, for a better world.
Combined, these steps bring a level of clarity that diminishes suffering and a level of consciousness that is blissful. In that state, we move seamlessly through our world without projection or blame, but instead with compassion and understanding, and with a fortified understanding of who we are and what our purpose on the planet is and, beautifully, with the means to fulfill that purpose.
Blessings on your journey!