In Part One of this 2-part series on raising our consciousness, we looked at the basics that are needed to be done to clear away all the hindrances on our path to living up to our potential. These mean ‘clearing away the noise’, or clearing energies congesting our energy systems. Examples of this congestion are energies belonging to us, such as wounds (personal, family and archetypal), and energies not belonging to us (environmental influences, possession illness, intentions belonging to other people). When we get triggered, we can know that it is simply because something that is not our true nature got stuck, and it’s conveniently getting highlighted as a flag to let us know that we need to clear it.
After clearing a lot of the congestion, we discussed the necessity of having extreme ownership over our own ‘stuff’, to prevent it from spilling into our relationships and environment, and the need to ‘dis-identify’ from the mind, through mental discipline, in order to make way for our silent observer, or ‘true self’ or ‘higher self’, to emerge as a guiding force in our lives. Switching allegiance from a reliance on ‘mind-awareness’ to the that of the ‘higher self’ substantially increases our light quotient, heightens our perception and helps us to see our world more accurately.
“Authentic power is experiencing an innate sense of power through a sovereign presence in the self without first needing to lean against, or push back against, anyone or anything. Authentic power simply ‘is’.”
To recap, on this path of awareness, we clear the way for clarity and bliss. To do this, we must have done the following:
1. Cleared the bulk of our baggage (wounding, etc.). When we get triggered, we can know that it is because some piece that is not our true nature got stuck, and it’s conveniently getting highlighted as a flag in order for us to know to clear it.
2. Stopped projecting into, or enmeshing in, other people’s dramas through extreme ownership of our own leftover wound and ‘learned behavior’ patterning.
3. Know we are not the mind.
4. Cultivated our ‘higher self’ inner knowing which is wordless.
5. Allowed ourselves to see our true nature just as it is, in all it’s divine perfection and humility and grace.
Once we have cleared the bulk of our congestion, adopted ‘extreme ownership’, dis-identified with the mind and enabled the ‘higher self’ to be our guide through life, we then are in a position to see how we can access greater clarity and bliss in our lives through a few key steps. In this section, Part Two of this series, we look at those key steps in turn.
Stepping into Our Authentic Power
Once we have these pieces in place, an opportunity arises to see our true nature as it actually is, in all it’s divine perfection and humility and grace. Knowing the self in this way creates a freedom and relaxation; free from obliging the expectations of others and the demands of the satellite-thinking wounded self, there comes a calmness that allows whatever is, to just be.
Allowing ourselves to see and live our true nature just as it is enables us to then step into our power; not as an action, but instead as an awareness.
To explain how that comes about, it is helpful to see the difference between authentic and inauthentic power. Authentic power is experiencing an innate sense of power through a sovereign presence in the self without first needing to lean against, or push back against, anyone or anything. Inauthentic power needs resources, or status, or achievements, or external power, or doing, or thinking, to feel powerful. Authentic power simply ‘is’, without any need for ‘doing’ of any sort. This is why children who are inauthentically loved, that is, that they feel loved only because they ‘do’ something to please their parents/caregivers, instead of being loved and appreciated just for being who they are, end up feeling ‘never enough’.
When we are aware of, and live in, our own authentic power truly seeing ourselves and appreciating ourselves just as we are, from a place of knowing (not thinking), then we have stepped into our own authentic power and are in a position to truly own that and embrace it as part of our identity. Owning this power as part of our identity means ‘stepping into’ and filling out that hologram of that which is truly ourselves; we step into a knowing of who and what we truly are and live up to that.
Couple this authentic power with extreme ownership of our ‘stuff’, good mental discipline, dis-identification from the mind and higher self navigation and the option to step into ‘flow’ becomes apparent.
Stepping into Flow
Everything so far has been about the self; clearing out what is congesting us and being aware of who and what we truly are, and owning that. That is, allowing our true identity to be.
“Stepping into flow is about allowing what is external to us, to be. Detached from outcome, from judgement and from enmeshment with others’ dramas and our own wounded projections, we come to accept who we truly are and own that. The next key step is to come to accept everything as ‘perfect as it is’, even if we cannot know why.”
Stepping into flow is about allowing what is external to us, to be. Detached from outcome, from judgement and from enmeshment with others’ dramas and our own wounded projections, we come to accept who we truly are and own that. The next key step is to come to accept everything as ‘perfect just as it is’, even if we cannot know why. Stepping into flow is about trusting life; life that is bigger than us, infinitely more intelligent and advanced, wants us to thrive. When we ‘meddle’ with a projected required outcome, we exercise our free will. The universe will not interfere with our free will; free will is proof that we exist in a benevolent universe and, as such, is sacred. No divine beings ever interfere with free will. When we make an intention, but then try to orchestrate how that outcome might be achieved, we remove the possibility that the universe will do it for us with magnificent synchronicity. The outcome might not be how we would have planned it, but being part of the very fabric of life, woven through the lives of many, our belonging becomes much more than that of just one individual. Non-attachment to outcome opens up the space for the universe to step in and bring about the intention set. Stepping into flow means allowing whatever is, to be.
Once we have ‘stepped into flow’ we can then ‘follow the flow’ by ‘going with what is’ as we proceed. When we do this, we can then see that there are certain things that happen as a result of living at this level of awareness.
Firstly, living in the ‘now’ is the norm; moving from that is rare and unsettling. Being ‘here, now’ is the most comfortable and authentic place to be.
Also at this awareness, we see that nothing is personal; no interactions are actually anything to do with us — they are all projections from someone else who hasn’t fully owned their own ‘stuff’.
At this stage we also enjoy ‘detachment from outcome’, which is moving out of polarity thinking that one or other conclusion is best, and instead trust that everything is ‘perfect as is’ and is better without our meddling in the energetic dynamics of how things play out. The interference of the consciousness of an individual is severely limited compared to the orchestration of the consciousness of the universe.
When we step into the flow of allowing this idea to dominate our lives, there is no duality at this level. This teaches us that there is no ‘other’.
“Authentic power is experiencing an innate sense of power through a sovereign presence in the self without first needing to lean against, or push back against, anyone or anything.”
Co-creating with the Field
Following this process into our own authentic power and flow, we merge with a ‘zone of potential’ where our awareness has stepped out of ‘duality’ into ‘inter-being’, or a state of ‘no self’. In this state, we are still perfectly aware of our own needs and bodily demands but our consciousness had expanded to include all of life as part of a whole to which we all belong.
In this ‘zone of potential’, we co-create with the ‘field’, universe, ‘Source’ or whatever you understand ‘God’ to be. Co-creation with Source requires a removal of mind from the process; we need to be literally “out of our minds” to know God. With all of the other components discussed in this article in place, we co-create by using one’s own free will and applying it willfully to intention and then discarding attachment to outcome. It is the mechanism whereby individuation is respected (individual intention arises from that), but ‘inter-being’ is acknowledged as the true reality and the universe, as a consciousness in it’s own right, is enabled to co-create with us as we ‘follow the flow’. Ultimately, this process is the means through which we all, as divine beings, are born as separate individuals and then become liberated into an elevated state of joined awareness to co-create with the Divine, thereby fulfilling our destiny to become fully embodied divine-awareness beings.
Being in this state of co-creation and flow brings a default state of bliss to which all humans ultimately belong.
This state of bliss and authenticity is available here, now, for those who wish to engage with this path. There are many roads up the mountain and one path is not better than another. This is just the most accessible path that I have found, and wanted to share it with you all. I have compiled a summary of this process in my blog: 10 Steps to Clarity, Awakening & Empowerment.
Blessings on your journey!