Accessing Clarity and Bliss Now | Part 2

Accessing Clarity and Bliss Now | Part 2

Recent events around us, personally and in the collective, may incline us to feel despondent and uncertain about the future. However, these changes, while they may feel overwhelming, are actually a harbinger of a new era of consciousness that brings bliss and clarity. With this new era unfolding in our time, amid all the confusion and glare, are resources that enable us to reach that clarity and bliss, now. These resources are globally accessible, in that everyone can access them, and I discuss them at some length, here.

Healing Through Raising Consciousness | Part One

Healing Through Raising Consciousness | Part One

Recent events around us, personally and in the collective, may incline us to feel despondent and uncertain about the future. Not at all! The changes currently, while often seemingly overwhelming, are actually a harbinger of a new era of consciousness that brings bliss and clarity.  And with this new era unfolding in our time, amid all the confusion and glare, are resources that enable us to reach that clarity and bliss, now.  

Turn toward the Light | December 2018

Turn toward the Light | December 2018

Today we are at the darkest time of the year.  The winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere is a sacred time to go inward and address the darkest parts of ourselves, both individually and as a society, to reflect and clear old patterns and wounds, so that we can turn towards the Light. It is a time to embrace the shadow self with understanding and compassion and accept it into the warmth of the whole to be healed. If we can understand the shadow, we can accept it.  If we can accept it, we will be changed for good.